The Importance of Half Strengths and Lens Quality

Costing as little as £1 it is easy to see the appeal of over the counter reading glasses, especially as we get older our sight invariably deteriorates, but everyone is unique and we all have different requirements for glasses. Some find they may need glasses early on in life to help with driving or working at the computer, whereas others will find it more difficult to read the small print, but how do you know if you need reading glasses? As we get older we can develop an age related condition called Presbyopia…

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Vast majority of online ready-to-wear reading glasses are safe for your sight

If you only enter the term ‘cheap reading glasses,’ into your Internet search engine, you will soon find a story causing alarm. The tale is from the respected consumer watchdog Which, and has been reported in the Telegraph, but sometimes as in all news stories you have to look deeper than a headline to find out the facts. The Telegraph’s banner, ‘Warning Over Cheap Glasses Bought Online,’ is enough to have many scampering off to the High Street, but although we have a vested interest we feel it is only…

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Why Reading Glasses For Women Are Fantastic Fashion Statements

Reading glasses for women are no longer just simple silver or gold framed spectacles attached to a chain which rest around the wearer’s neck – instead they can be daring and bold and can make a real fashion statement. These days reading glasses for women are so affordable to buy that many women choose to buy more than one pair at a time so that they have different pairs to co-ordinate with different outfits. Of course, another advantage to having more than one pair of reading glasses is that they…

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The Many Styles Of Funky Reading Glasses

Off the shelf reading glasses are not just something that your Nan wears to do her daily crossword in the newspaper, they are used by people of all ages as a cost effective alternative to prescription glasses. These affordable items of eyewear help to magnify the text so that people can read the words on a page more easily. They can be useful for reading all kinds of things such as a book, magazine or even to make sense of the small print on the household bills. So what kind…

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How Reading Glasses Can Assist Those People Over The Age of 40

Ageing is an inevitable process and is one which we are unable to avoid. From developing fine lines and wrinkles to finding that joints are getting a little stiff in the mornings, getting older is something which we cannot fight, yet there are ways of making life a little easier. One such example is by using reading glasses. Once we reach the age of 40, our eyes may struggle a little to focus on objects close up, this is known as presbyopia. This is an extremely normal condition and is…

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Why Cheap Designer Reading Glasses Don’t Need To Break The Bank

People often associate quality with expense. In many circumstances, buying a higher priced item may mean the item is more carefully made and is more likely to last, though this is not always the case. The internet has caused a revolution of huge ranges of products being available at much cheaper prices than they would have been when sold in traditional high street stores. This is primarily because physical shops often have high overhead costs, yet running an online shop can dramatically reduce the cost of overheads as items can…

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The Appeal Of Quality Reading Glasses

Some people may believe that the only place they can purchase quality reading glasses from is the opticians but this is not always the case as it is possible to buy off-the-shelf varieties from a number of high street and online retailers. Just because they do not have a hefty price tag attached to them or a designer label, does not mean that glasses are not durable and fitted with the correct lenses to enable people to read the small print more effectively. Non prescription reading glasses are very popular…

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Do you know whether you need reading glasses?

How do you read? The way you sit at a computer, the way you hold a book is an indicator of the condition of your eyes. If you need to get very close to the screen or hold the book at arms length, then you need to make sure you book an appointment with an optician and get your eyes tested. If you start to have headaches regularly then this may also be a sign that you may need to wear glasses. These issues may start at an early age,…

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Help With Choosing Non Prescription Reading Glasses Online

Wearing glasses is no longer seen as some sort of a stigma – gone are the days where the people who wore glasses were considered ‘geeky’ or unfashionable. Now it is seen as cool and glasses can be used as a fashion accessory – whether they have prescription lenses or not. There are a wide range of non prescription reading glasses available online for people to choose from. Shoppers can utilise an eye chart which they can download and print out from the internet which can help them to determine…

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Why People Choose Funky Reading Glasses

Reading glasses are a very normal and everyday object. They help people to read the things they need to such as papers, magazines, books and household bills but they don’t have to be boring and bog standard. Whilst they have a very important role to play in helping people to decipher small text if they are having difficulty reading, they can also look good as the same time. A lot of people, especially those of the younger generation will want to choose funky reading glasses rather than the standard frames…

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