What is the difference between polarised sunglasses and UV400 sunglasses?

Why should we wear sunglasses? What are UV rays? Ultraviolet radiation is a type of light that is not visible to the human eye, and is part of the rays that reach us from the sun. Excessive exposure to UV Rays can result in the front surface of the eye becoming damaged, much like sunburn on the skin. Without proper precautions, these rays can also have harmful cumulative effects that may develop over time. Too much exposure to UV rays may result in one or more of the following eye…

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Are Reading Glasses Helpful or Harmful?

We could have been fortunate enough in our early years not to require glasses. Then when we reach over 40 we start to develop what the opticians call presbyopic eyes: this means the lens in your eyes loses some flexibility. As a result it becomes harder to focus on close objects. Small print can seem blurred or even indecipherable. It may therefore be more difficult to do close work such as sewing or drawing as well as reading either printed text or on a screen. The quick and most cost…

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The Benefits of Blocking Blue Light

Almost everyone wears glasses at some point in their lives. In developed countries the rule of thumb is that around 70% of adults need corrective lenses to see well. In Britain that translates to some 35 million people, and this is on the rise, potentially due to our early 21st Century urban living; the time we spend indoors, the screens we use, the colour spectrum in LED lighting, and the needs of an ageing population. We would like to look in a little more detail about the contribution our extended…

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The Importance of Half Strengths and Lens Quality

Costing as little as £1 it is easy to see the appeal of over the counter reading glasses, especially as we get older our sight invariably deteriorates, but everyone is unique and we all have different requirements for glasses. Some find they may need glasses early on in life to help with driving or working at the computer, whereas others will find it more difficult to read the small print, but how do you know if you need reading glasses? As we get older we can develop an age related condition called Presbyopia…

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Top Tips For Good Eye Health

We’re all aware of the importance of attending regular eye tests to find out if we need glasses but it’s also important to visit an optometrist every couple of years in order for them to check the overall health of the eye. Opticians can detect the early onset of a range of conditions including glaucoma, and they can advise you on taking the correct precautions to help to maintain the long term health of your eye. Of course, there are other ways of looking after your eyes. It may seem…

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Driving survey shows importance of regular eye tests

According to a new survey drivers are ducking eye tests with some who need glasses at the wheel often declining to use them. Around 26% of drivers have not had an eye test in the last two years, the poll by road safety charity Brake showed. A total of 9% have not visited an optician for five years or more, while 3% had not had eye checks for more than a decade, revealed the survey. It paints quite an alarming attitude to the one out of our five senses that…

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How Reading Glasses Can Assist Those People Over The Age of 40

Ageing is an inevitable process and is one which we are unable to avoid. From developing fine lines and wrinkles to finding that joints are getting a little stiff in the mornings, getting older is something which we cannot fight, yet there are ways of making life a little easier. One such example is by using reading glasses. Once we reach the age of 40, our eyes may struggle a little to focus on objects close up, this is known as presbyopia. This is an extremely normal condition and is…

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Do I Need Reading Glasses?

We all know that eyesight can deteriorate as we get older but everyone is unique and we will all have a different requirement for glasses. Some people may find they need glasses early on in life to help with driving or working at the computer whereas others will find it more difficult to read small print as they get older but how do you know whether you need reading glasses? If you have found yourself struggling lately to read a newspaper, magazine or eBook then it is possible that you…

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The Advantages Of Ready To Wear Reading Glasses

Many people over the age of 40 will need glasses to help them read text up close and the quickest and cheapest way to do this is through buying ready to wear reading glasses. Though to some people they will not be as good as custom made glasses they certainly do the job and afford people the luxury of having more than one pair at a time due to their low prices. Even when people wear these off the shelf varieties it is still important that they visit their optician…

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Why Do We Need Reading Glasses?

If you are 40 or older and have noticed it’s been getting harder to read small type, you may have a common condition called presbyopia. Presbyopia is the worsening of vision, especially close up. The condition is a natural part of ageing; as you grow older, the lenses in your eyes thicken and lose their elasticity, and the muscles surrounding the lenses weaken. While you still can see distant objects clearly, you cannot focus on near objects. Adding an extra lens in the form of reading glasses will serve to…

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